Photo a day

As of 25 September 2011, we will be displaying our photo of the day. Something that reflects what we have been up to, or our mood. Themes will vary, hopefully they will begin to tell a story of a year in the life of Star Photography - or maybe we will bore you silly!

Day 4, 28 September 2011 (By Stephanie)

Today I went to see the Treetop Flyers in Leeds, sadly I did not take my proper camera with me, the phone camera had to do. Hmmm, not that great a photo, but the music was a wonderful mid-week treat!

Treetop Flyers - Leeds

Day 3, 27 September 2011 (By Stephanie)

Carrying on with the 'about the house theme', I share the photo wall. The last few days have seen some gorgeous light filling my little house, casting pretty colours along my walls - hence the many photos from around my home!

This is the photo wall in my lounge, a random eclectic mix, I wonder how long it will be before I run out of space?

Steph's photo wall

Day 2, 26 September 2011 (by Stephanie)

This evening, the sunset was gorgeous over north Leeds. Walking past my collection of pot owls on the landing windowsill, I noticed how pretty the setting sun looked so I grabbed my camera and got this shot before it disappeared for another day:

Owls at sunset

Day 1, 25 September 2011 (by Stephanie):

For my house warming party last week, I made lots of lanterns. In the mood for a spot of recycling, I made them from old coffee, pesto and jam jars. They lasted well, and since then, I have lit them most evenings. If I light enough of them, could I hold off putting the central heating on for another month at least?!

Coffee jar lanterns

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